Get the complete system that trains your new hires in world-class skills in less than half the time - and make thousands more this year.



  • You’re too busy to run a proper training program
  • You don’t have a system, and just make it up to suit each hire
  • You’re good at training X, but want help with Y and Z
  • You’re coming in on your days off to run the training
  • You don’t have anyone you trust to lead the training except you
  • Your educators are sick of the repetition


Salon Associate Accelerator

  • Super simple process

    1 • Assess their current skills with standardized testing
    2 • Make immediate use of what they already know
    3 • Complete video training starts with the most helpful support skills
    4 • Continue training as they earn revenue

  • World-class video training in all three vital areas

    • The Jump Start (Shampoo, Blow Dry, Irons, Color Retouch/Refresh)
    • Indispensable Color (Global Color, Foils Application and Removal)
    • Indispensable Design & Finishing (Principal-Based Skills and Tools Mastery)

  • Jump Start to Profitability

    Train first in the skills that benefit the salon soonest.

  • Complete video-based training

    Everything is ready to go. Just review the lesson so you can provide guidance and support. That's it.

  • Educators Edition

    It's included. Support, techniques, tools. We're here to make it easy.

  • Journal Prompts

    Key learning happens in the discussion afterward. Resolve questions. Cement the knowledge. Multiply the learning.

  • Progress Tracking, Badges, Certificate of Completion

    Keep your associates motivated and engaged with built-in progress tracking, achievement badges, and the certificate of completion that shows they’re ready to represent with confidence.

"We don't have time to waste with complicated training systems. The Accelerator lets our stylists move faster and sell more with the support of skilled associates."

-- Terre Heath, Studio 127 Salon & Day Spa

"The Salon Associate Accelerator has made it exponentially faster to get my associates working on the floor. Within 2 weeks they are supporting stylists so we have time for upsells and more bookings."

-- Holly Fox, Metropolitan Salon & Spa

"It used to take us a year, now it takes us three months. My associates are supremely confident, and so am I."

-- Tawna Rodgers, Aura Salon Company


by owners


by educators


Embedded Support

The Educators Edition

World-class education easy and effortless. Every Accelerator package comes with the Educators Edition, packed with support tips and extras. No need to prepare more than one day ahead.

Guided Learning

Color, Design, Finishing

Let the videos do all the heavy lifting so trainers don’t have to step away from their chair. Associates learn color, design, and finishing skills at your salon’s standards, and revenue keeps coming in.


As fast as 3 Months for

Trained, Confident Associates

No system is faster for training associates with profit-driving skills that meet and exceed your salon standards. Created in consultation with some of the most successful salons in the US.

Pays for Itself in the First Two Weeks

Real-World Skills Immediately

Associates learn essential salon skills like shampoo, blow dry, and iron techniques right away so they can support your stylists fast and make room for more service upsells and bookings.


Hire the RIGHT People Every Time

Bullet-Proof Hiring

Ever hire someone for their experience, and a month later you’ve realized they just don’t fit your culture? How about a standardized Initial Evaluation that gives you a clear picture of their skills AND their personality?

2 seats

$ 198
  • 2 Associate Seats
  • 1 Educator Seat
  • FREE Month with Code "30free2"

4 seats

$ 349 Monthly
  • 4 Associate Seats
  • 2 Educator Seats
  • FREE Month with Code "30free4"

6 seats

$ 499 Monthly
  • 6 Associate Seats
  • 3 Educator Seats
  • FREE Month with Code "30free6"

Still got questions?