Design Playbook (Subscription)

This is your go-to resource for teaching Design in a salon or school setting; a treasure trove of tools for leading your learners with maximum engagement. Use it for class prep and be ready to change some lives. This edition now includes a ton of new info on tool skills and drills, and how to facilitate hairstyle suitability training.

The Magic Prep Gun

First, let’s hammer the headline: This collection is your absolute best tool for teaching Design. Before you go into class, review the Design video, then watch the related facilitation videos here. You’ll get tried and true tools and techniques for teaching each lesson with maximum engagement. Deliver Design like a champion, and pick up facilitation skills you’ll use every day.

"I've been shooting video with Chris for ten years, and never really picked anything up. Suddenly it's all clicking. I've learned more in the last two weeks than the rest of it combined."
Adrian Taverner
Camera Operator

Set Up To Win

You will hit the ground running right from day one with a ton of helpful information:

  • how to use the Design videos
  • how to use these videos
  • flip chart cheat sheets guaranteed to save you tons of time
  • how to set up the learning environment
  • how to set up your learners to win
  • how to hold your team accountable

The Power of Principles

Give a man a fish or teach a man to fish? That’s what it comes down to. Would you rather teach a haircut, or would you rather show your learners how to cut any head of hair into any design? Understanding beats memorizing any day. Get ready to change some lives. Oh hey look, here come a video straight out of the Playbook now:

What’s the Big Deal With Principles?

Work Smarter, Not Harder

The Playbook is built to work side-by-side with Design. Watch the Design videos first to learn the content, then watch the Playbook videos to learn how to deliver the content with the most engagement, the most impact, and the most success.

We help you prepare your flip charts before class, and we coach you on how to use them. We even set you up with downloadable images so you don’t have to draw them yourself. We’ve got tons of easy engagement techniques field-tested and approved to make sure the message lands on target every time.

The Front Corner Mistake

The Mechanics

New for this edition is a ton of new material you will love. In Body Mechanics, we’ll give you some solid gold tips learned the hard way by veterans of the industry. Your learners will be cutting more accurately overnight, and enjoying long healthy careers without back and shoulder pain!

In Scissor Mechanics, we’ve got essential skills and drills that will save you time in class, and have your learners cutting smarter in no time.

Stop Quacking

Changing Lives

There is a lot of how-to in this collection, but we want to be clear: the teachers we remember are the ones who got us excited about learning. The ones who invited us in and made growing an active process. We remember their influence, and we have carried what they taught us ever since. It is our hope that this collection helps you become one of those transformative teachers.

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