ChrisCamp: Light the Fire
ChrisCamp: Light the Fire
The elite training event for educators and facilitators
The elite training event for educators and facilitators
Chris Baran and Chris Moody have been education leaders in the hair industry for decades, teaching hundreds of thousands to better understand their craft. At ChrisCamp, they focus on elevating other educators to do what they do, passing on their facilitation skills and teaching tools with the Global Peak-Performance System. Here is where you learn and practice real-world skills you can use immediately in your own business for more effective leadership, tighter teams, and loyal clients. (10+ hours)
PLUS Special Guest Speakers

Sheree Thompson
This Girl is on Fire - A few months ago Sheree knew very little about online education. Today with over 12,000 followers and hundreds of paying subscribers she earns more than ever, teaching stylists all over the world her signature long hair and bridal techniques. In our live Q&A she will share how she did it - going from solo stylist to global educator.

Michael Cole
Millionaire Stylist - Are you making a million dollars a year? Are you posting your wins every day to your thousands of followers? It is 100% possible for you to get there doing what you love, and Michael Cole is here to share with you his new tool for cultivating your million dollar brand with unbelievably powerful metrics and it all starts with CONNECTION.